World Refugees Day 

Each year on 20 June, the world celebrates the strength and courage of people who have been forced to flee their home country to escape conflict or persecution. The 2023 theme of World Refugee Day is “Hope away from home’’ SCORP IFMSA-Pakistan has celebrated Refugee’s Day to show solidarity and create awareness of refugee rights through the following planned activities. 

Phase I: Refugee Camp Visits

Medical Students of KGMC LC and RMI LC visited Afghan Refugees camp Badaber.

On 23 June, 2023 with the following engaging activities

Phase II: RoAR Awareness Webinar 

Our esteemed speakers or SCORP National Team on June 23rd, 08 00 - 10 00 PM has highlighted the following aspects

Refugee Camp Visit Highlights

Report on Afghan Refugee Camp Visit by SCORP IFMSA-Pakistan

Report on Afghan Refugee Camp Visit.

Call To Action

We call upon all medical students and healthcare professionals to play their role in creating a safe and healthy space for refugees in our communities and beyond the borders through the following platforms:

a. Donation to UNHCR Pakistan

Please, visit the following link to make donations and to know more about the UNHCR- UN Refugee Agency Pakistan efforts for refugees in Pakistan.

Website Link: UNHCR Pakistan | UN Refugee Agency 

b. Organising Medical Camps

To organise free medical camps for refugees in your nearby areas. 

For more information and collaborations, Email us at cc'd to 

c. Increase Awareness and Advocacy Efforts

Join us in raising awareness about the refugees' healthcare rights by participating in our campaigns, seminars and webinars.  

For more information or help, please drop an email at cc'd to